How to cancel your paypal subscription?
How to cancel your paypal subscription?

How to cancel your paypal subscription?

Subscriptions can be cancelled from the Orders section in your account. Once a subscription is cancelled you will not be billed again but proxies will still work until the expiration date.

After cancelling please look for the PayPal cancellation e-mail in your inbox. If you do not see a cancellation confirmation please cancel your subscription from your PayPal account. You can cancel it by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your PayPal account
  2. Go to My Account Settings
  3. Go to Money, Banks and Cards
  4. Click on Set Automatic Payments (bottom of page)
  5. Look for and select the order that you need to cancel
  6. Click Cancel

If you can’t manage to cancel your subscription please contact us and we will cancel it for you.

 posted on 15 Jun 2021 in category: Payments , updated: 30 Jun 2021
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